NOVAsia is Yonsei GSIS’s very own student-run magazine, publishing articles and videos on international trends related to politics, economics, and culture.

HIRING: This semester we are looking to fill [four] positions!

You can apply if you:
• Are a GSIS student at Yonsei University.
• Have an interest in writing or producing non-academic content on topics related to international studies.
• Are passionate about not just building your portfolio, but also contributing to the development of NOVAsia.


Editorial Intern [CLOSED]
• Write 3 articles (about 800-1200 words) over the semester
• Work with Editor-at-Large and editing team to learn both editorial skills and the publication process
• Scholarship of ₩300,000 for one semester

Junior Editor [CLOSED]
• Write at least 3 articles (1200 words or more) over the semester
• Work with the Editor-at-Large to edit, design, and format content
• Work with Editor-at-Large to learn both editorial skills and the publication process
• Scholarship of ₩500,000 for one semester

Media Intern
• Produce 3 short videos (~10 mins) over the semester
• Work with the media team to learn about different filming techniques and editing software
• Scholarship of ₩300,000 for one semester

Junior Media Producer
• Assist in the production of short videos over the semester
• Assist the Senior Producers with the production of docu-style production
• Work with Media Director and media team to learn about different filming techniques and editing software
• Scholarship of ₩500,000 for one semester


If you are interested in either positions, please send an email to 
Specify between positions in your application as well as the email subject.

For the Editorial Intern/Junior Editor please include:
• A brief self-introduction, including what semester you’re in
• A CV (Editor specific)
• At least one non-academic writing sample
• [OPTIONAL] If you have published work in this style, you may submit it. Please include the title and where it was originally published. If possible, please include a link.
• Submit two article pitches that you would like to write about

For the Media Intern/Junior Media Producer please include:
• A brief self-introduction, including what semester you’re in
• A CV
• [OPTIONAL] If you have ever produced media work, you may submit it. Please include where it was originally released. If possible, please include a link.

• [OPTIONAL] If you have ever run a social media account for an institution – personal or business – or created content for one, please include that information in your application.
• Submit two video pitches that you would like to produce

• Application Period: August 21, 2024 to September 6, 2024 at 23:59
• Interview Period: September 9, 2024 to September 15, 2024 (via Zoom)

• Want to publish an article or produce a podcast episode?
• NOVAsia accepts pitches from anyone and will compensate you for your work!


  • Your article pitch should summarize your article (100 words), outlining the topic and your argument.
  • Article length: 800-1600 words, but this range is flexible
  • Our style is casual but informed. The language should be succinct and engaging, and make the article accessible to readers who do not have prior knowledge of the subject.
  • Reference online sources with embedded hyperlinks. Offline sources (books, interviews) can be referenced directly in the text.
  • We do not write or publish academic articles, so academic footnotes or bibliographies are not necessary.
  • We highly encourage contributors to conduct their own interviews in order to support their argument.
  • Include at least one photo (min 800×600). You must have the right to use the photo.

Email your pitch to the Editor-in-Chief at